Monday 30 November 2015

X-Factor Writing Assessment: Common Errors

            Paste the following sentences into a Word document and correct the errors. The number of errors in each sentence is indicated by the number in the brackets following each sentence.

1.Your experience is going to be unforgetful. (1)
2.My family told me some great advises. (3)
3.You have to make always a great effort to win X-Factor. (1)
4.You must practice every day if you want to succeed. (1)
5.You must do lots of rehearses. (1)
6.It is important to feel identity with the lyrics. (1)
7.You must always believe in you! (1)
8.An advice I would give you is to be confident. (1)
9.My friend suggested me doing a traditional English song. (1)
10.Each judge is specialised in a different type of music. (1)
11.If you don’t put a lot of effort on what you’re doing, you won’t be successful. (1)
12.I recommend you to keep calm and keep problems off your mind. (2)
13.My parents suggested me to practise at home. (1)
14.You will be congratulated for having the courage of participating on the show. (1)
15.If you want to keep in the competition, you need to listen to me. (1)
16.My friends told me to be always charismatic. (1)
17.I had never put an effort on it. (2)
18.Since that day, I started singing. (1)
19.If you can’t be passionate for your music, you shouldn’t enter.
20.It’s vital to relax and don’t rush during the performance. (1)
21.This will create more impact to the judges. (2)
22.They suggested me to keep in my studio and practise. (1)
23.This was the best reccomendation anyone could have done to me. (2)
24.They only want the best for yourself. (1)

Thursday 12 November 2015

James Arthur Writing Task: Some Common Errors

Below are some sentences with errors from the James Arthur writing task. Copy and paste the sentences into a Word document and correct the errors.

1.He transformed it into a song played by an acoustic guitar.
2.Doing an apology
3.It repeats the phrase, this emphasises the importance it has to the singer
4.The next couple of sentences describes
5.He also is saying that he is sorry
6.James Arthur have chosen this song because
7.He used to have a bad behaviour
8.He might feel identified with the lyrics
9.It appears me that he is very unhappy
10.He meet him after 22 years
11.Everyone commit errors
12.The judges were very kind with him
13.They told to him that he was a great singer
14.His father was in the backstage
15.It seems related with the theme of his family problems
16.It seems is about his past
17.In my opinion, I think that he sang  this song because
18.He was fed up with all
19.He is saying that he want his parents to forgive him
20.He could had chosen this song to sing because
21.He use to say that he wanted to be adopted
22.He referred to the fact that he want to don’t be judged

Reported Speech

In your exam on Friday, you will be expected to use reported speech consistently and accurately. Work through the following exercises to consolidate your understanding,

Monday 9 November 2015


You should all be familiar with conditionals (you studied them in Year 8 and Year 9), but just in case you've forgotten about them, the table below should help you to remember...

Now that you've had chance to study the above table, you should write down the grammatical structure of each of the four conditionals in your notebook. Once you've done that, spend about twenty minutes testing your knowledge of conditionals by clicking on some of the links below...

1st Conditional

2nd Conditional

3rd Conditional

Phrasal Verbs With 'Keep'

Consolidate your knowledge of the phrasal verbs with 'keep' + preposition by working through the following exercises:

Friday 6 November 2015

Year 10 Vocabulary Test: 6th November 2015

1.       to laugh at mockingly

2.       a lock / fastening

3.       a wooden support

4.       Skeptical

5.       to walk without picking your feet up

6.       to narrow your eyes because of brightness

7.       to frown in an angry way

8.       a digging machine used on a farm

9.       Morose

10.   to stare at something from inside something else

11.   Pugnacious

12.   Derogatory

13.   to have ants in one's pants

14.   your old man

15.   to have the eye

16.   poison (a person)

17.   to be licked (not physically!)

18.   to have a chip on one's shoulder

19.   a flapper

20.   to be canned

Thursday 5 November 2015

X-Factor: Tamara Foster

Before the performance…
Tamera’s mum: Just ______ they’re not out there. Sing like you’re at home.
Tamera: Most of my family’s here to ______________ me. My grandma’s my number one fan.
Tamera: The only _____ I’ve ever done are, like,  in school ____________. That’s all I’ve done!
Elliot Canavan Doyle is a busker. What does this mean?
Sharon to Elliot: I really think that you need to go and _______ more time on your craft
Tamera: I’m feeling really scared about ________ judged… ____ my own!     
Tamera: This is so _______
It’s been  _________ ______, and it’s just so much to take ___, there’s so many of you.
Sharon: So what’s the song you’ve _______________ for us?
How do the producers of the show add drama to the moment when Tamera stops singing? Make at least three points.

Louis: She’s gone _______ on her words.
Sharon: She’s gone ________.

The judges' verdicts
Gary: Umm, Tamira, it was ___ _____ _____ perfect ok. But what we see here right now is ______ ________  belief. That was ______ and _____________.
Sharon: Tamira, can you just _____ me…. How old are you? … You take ____ ________ away. So many people wanna be Whitney, but her songs are so _________   and I thought, you’re gonna ________ it. You were _______________.
Nicole: You’re still young, you have a lot to ________ _____ because some  of it Is a little _____ ____ ________ ….. but you have a ______ and  ______; you’re a star.

Louis: …If you get your ____ _______, you are the best – you are _____________.
Gary: Alright, ______ we vote? ________ start with Nicole.
Nicole: It’s an _____ ______ ______ me.
Sharon: Tamera, if you forget your lyrics in bootcamp, I will ______ you. With a big ______.
Louis: This could be the first day of an amazing _____________ for you. Don’t _______ _____ _____. You’ve got four _________ yeses.

After the performance:
Louis: I am ___________.
Tamera: I’m just ________________, I’m so thankful.

Share my life, take me for what I am
‘Cause I'll never change all my colours for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you.

What do you think the song’s about?

Reported Speech

Direct speech
Reported speech
present simple     >
past simple
present continuous     >
past continuous
present perfect simple     >
past perfect simple
present perfect continuous     >
past perfect continuous

past simple     >
past perfect simple
past continuous     >
past perfect continuous
past perfect simple    >
past perfect simple
past perfect continuous     >
past perfect continuous